
hayden, you're fired ...

So, it's been one of those days, or maybe weeks, where things have just been off. Take this morning for example: Hayden woke up way too early and then he wouldn't really eat his breakfast which continued on to not really eating his lunch. At this point he was exausted becasue he woke up way to early. I put him down for a nap and for the fifth time this week, he took a 45 minute nap. (Yeah, you read it right, 45 minutes!). Now mind you, we are down to one nap a day and this kid needs much more sleep than this! I tried to no avail to rock him back to sleep, at which time I knew we were in for it for the rest of the day!

I don't know what his deal is, but if this were his job and I were his boss, he would have been fired today. I mean honestly, all he really has to do in life is eat, sleep, and poop, and he is only doing one of these things well-guess which one! In the end, he was exhausted and slightly comotose by bed time.

Along with all of this, I finally got up the gumption to finish my final Spanish class that I need to graduate. I set aside Hayden's nap time as my official study time, but as you can imagine, that hasn't gone too well this week. Can't the stars just align properly and make my life a little easier?

On the bright side, Nate was home early from school several days this week and he treated me tonight to a yummy dinner at Outback to make up for my bad day. I ate so much that I'm now slightly sick, but extremely happy. (P.S. I love their salmon, but they took the yummy sauce that goes with it off the menu, so it's not nearly as good anymore.) Tomorrow, Nate also has the day off of work, so we are going to fill our day with a trip to the gym to work off my 2,000 calorie intake tonight, a little window shopping (hopefully), and a chill day at home with my two favorite guys.


kenna said...

I went to Outback on Wednesday night because of a bad day. It seems to make things a bit better, doesn't it?

Food + Husband = Day looking up...

Amy said...

ugh those days! I have no good advice...other than hopefully it will get better, but you can complain to me whenever-they can be so frustrating sometimes! But, I'll hire Hayden he is so cute! haha