
my lovies ...

I sure do love my little munchkins. They fill each day with craziness, drama, and a whole lot of fun and I wouldn't change my life for anything. Yesterday at dinner, Hayden suddenly exclaimed, "Holy Shiz, Mom!" Nate looked at me and I about died. I wonder where he heard that from? (Me, sadly). I had to explain to him that "shiz" isn't the best word to use and maybe we should say "Holy Cow" instead. He constantly humbles me and brings me to my knees.
Coco's night time look - Check out her CRAZY hair! Love this little girl!
Hayden thought he was so funny with his undies on his head.
Don't worry - we were folding clean laundry when he decided to put them on!
Here they are in their church attire. Hayden got these glasses from his amazing
Sunbeam teacher and he wears them all the time now.
Last but not least, my cute girl. She is turning into such a ham. Sometimes she is the smiliest, silliest thing you have ever met. Then when we are in public and people try to get her to smile, she is so solemn - won't crack a smile for anything! She is so funny. This week, she has started to try and stand up in the middle of the floor. She can get her legs underneath her, but can't quite stand up all the way. She has also started to arch her back whenever she doesn't get her way. Oh man! I'm remembering the fun of a spunky little kid. Nate commented today while we were wrestling her in Sunday School that we still have 7 months until she goes to nursery. Can I make it? Oh well. Ready or not, here we go!

1 comment:

Luke and Ali Stewart said...

Cora totally looks like Tiff's girls I can't get over it! So stinking cute!